
Unlocking the Path to Wealth: Breaking Through Limitations and Embracing Opportunity


When you can earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a day, you will find that you cannot make a big fortune through hard work. You can only provide food and clothing. Making a big fortune depends on brains, vision, and opportunities."The Book of Changes" says: "Small wealth depends on diligence, and big wealth depends on virtue. If virtue is not thick, there will be nothing to carry it."People who make money by selling their time and labor can only make a small fortune.A person has limited time, limited energy, and lack of resources every day.There are so many young people who work hard, but none of them have become very rich. This is actually the truth.According to survey statistics, the reasons why most people cannot get rich are probably as follows:1. The whole family has no guide. In today's society, it is difficult to start from scratch. If you lack a guide, you will have to do everything by yourself.After struggling for a long time and just being able to understand some social rules, I realized that I was already several levels behind my peers. If your family has been in business for several generations, or if you are a talented person from all walks of life, you will be ahead of others in the beginning.2. I don’t understand the logic of making money. They only understand that money can be made by relying on physical strength and time. They don’t understand the laws of economic operation, the logic of rising prices, and they don’t understand what the trend of the times is.3. Habitually asking but not giving, always placing hopes on others, always hoping that someone around you can make a difference, and then taking care of yourself, never focusing on your own growth.4. The family does not pay attention to education, has no sense of awe for knowledge, and believes that knowledge is actually useless.5. Lack of crisis awareness. When I was young, I was messing around, staying up late every day, and not cherishing my body. When I got old, I became sick and started to trade money for time.6. Lack of cognition and limited thinking.7. Lack of high-quality network of contacts.Most people's thinking is limited to their family of origin and their inherent knowledge and cognition.Therefore, we cannot see the channels to make money, and we cannot open up the ideas of making money. We can only work step by step like our parents did to support ourselves and our families.But the underlying logic of making more money is not to sell time and labor, but to break through limitations and extend infinitely through thinking and ability.If you want to make a lot of money, you must find ways to expand your thinking and cognition, awaken yourself, and use your brain to think more about problems.


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