


BTC, SHIB, ETH, Dogecoin, there is no problem in adjusting, and there will be breakthroughs in the future. From the perspective of mainstream currencies, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin are prioritized when buying coins.The Asian Cup, the European Cup in June and the Paris Conference in 2024 are all time points for speculation. There is no doubt that the sports sector has a lot of room for speculation, so the next step is to pay attention to fan tokens.CHZ is the leading currency in the sports sector. Although it has risen, it can still be focused on layout in the future. In addition, Binance’s investment varieties SANTOS, PORTO, and LAZIO all increased 5-10 times in the last World Cup, except for CHZ. Three are the ones to focus on. The other ones are POR and ARG, one is from Portugal and the other is from Argentina. There are also club currencies such as PSG, BAR, CITY, ACM, ATM, INTER, and JUV. I believe they will all have good gains this year.For sports sector varieties, remember that there must be enough profit before the benefits are realized.

热点:BTC ETH 加密货币 加密货币与

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