


In the future, many currencies will have an increase of 10 times, 50 times or even more exaggerated;Because in the long run, looking at the process of the entire bull and bear market, looking at the monthly line, you will find that most currencies have just come out of the bottom of long-term fluctuations, or have not even come out of the bottom;Whether it is the popular SOL, ICP, LINK or the foundation Btc eth, or Dogecoin DOGE, DOT, BNB, FIL, MANA and other currencies;Their current prices are 10 times, 50 times or even more away from the high point of the last bull market. If the Bitcoin halving starts the fourth round of halving as scheduled in more than 80 days, then just by recovering their strength, their wealth will be more than 0 , or even more than one 0;Of course, the experience of the last round also tells us that some currencies will not rise with the big bull market. For example, EOS became a stable currency in the last bull market. At that time, it was pulled into an EOS group that was miserable. Some of the buddies in it were really dead. Be loyal, and then stick to EOS and miss the entire bull market. How to avoid missing out on the entire bull market like I did with EOS?Here are some methods for reference: 1. Don’t put your eggs in one basket. Of course, they can’t be too scattered. It’s best to have no more than 5 currencies at the same time; 2. In addition, check whether the project party is doing something: for example, the number of team members increases, technology development Updates (Blockchain projects are mostly open source and the code is updated on GitHub), whether the community is officially operated, if not, check whether the official website is updated frequently or there is news, search on third-party platforms such as Google Twitter to see if there are any continuous updates Dynamic...; 3. Finally, always check the transaction volume and turnover rate. These data will not lie.Having said so much, I actually just want to express one meaning: the fourth round of halving is coming soon (if you don’t believe this premise, you can just clear your positions and leave). Now this is just a tipping point, don’t Don't be anxious, but don't be timid. Choose the target well, enter strategically and boldly, build positions in batches, be careful, and don't operate arrogantly. Although there is usually a big washout before and after the halving, the more severe the washout, the stronger the bull market will rise. The only thing you have to do is: don’t be washed away.Finally, I would like to give a piece of chicken soup to friends who want to seize this bull market and rush towards wealth and freedom: Patience is the watershed of wealth.未来<a title='注册送数字货币' href='https://okk.meibanla.com/btc/ok.php' target='_blank' class='f_a'>数字货币</a>将翻十倍五十倍坚持选择优质标的等待财富的涌现

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