
Matcha Uninstallation Report: Poor Coin Listing, Spot and Futures Depth, Bad Customer Service, Anti-


Ready to uninstall matchaReason for uninstallation:1: List coins indiscriminately, add more than a dozen coins every day, and only add coins after receiving the money, even if you lose new coins.2: The spot depth is poor. When you buy it or sell it, it is no longer at the original position, resulting in a floating loss of seven or eight points.3: The depth of futures is even worse, and the opening position is much lower than the market price you opened.4: The customer service attitude is even worse. I sent a message and it took 10 minutes to reply. Are you having sex?5: There are anti-counterfeiting projects that are fraudulently listed with the same name. I have been defrauded several times!6: The account was inexplicably subject to risk control during use. Although it can be resolved, you have to wait 3 to 5 days each time. Several accounts have been changed.


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