
2024 年实现财务独立的最佳加密货币选择


Pantera Capital 表示,加密货币市场正在进入“第二阶段”,山寨币的表现预计将超过比特币



在这种不断变化的格局中,Pyth Network (PYTH)、Sei (SEI)、Ondo (ONDO)、Mantle (MNT)、Aptos (APT) 等加密货币正在成为 2024 年财务自由的顶级竞争者,可能为寻求财务自由的投资者提供利润丰厚的机会利用山寨币的飙升。

与 ScapesMania 一起驾驭创新浪潮

随着 ScapesMania 预售在二月份接近完成,团队正在努力确保在流行的交易平台上快速上市。


ScapesMania 背后的团队拥有多年的专业知识,制定了稳健的上市后营销策略。


通过 DAO 治理,支持者将能够影响价值数十亿美元的行业并从中受益。



ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一个平衡良好、精心设计的项目,充当游戏生态系统。



预售现已开始 – 立即加入,即有机会受益于 MANIA

ScapesMania 是价值 3760 亿美元的游戏行业的参与者,充分利用了市场的增长潜力。


到目前为止,社区对该项目的兴奋是显而易见的,迄今为止仅从众筹/零售捐款中就筹集了超过 4,500,000 美元。

值得注意的是,筹款金额每天增长 50,000 美元以上,关注者数量已达到 6 万以上,每周增长 12%。

持有 20,000 美元以上支票的加密鲸鱼的兴趣日益浓厚,可能会加速 ScapesMania 从小众向主流的转变。

ScapesMania 的智能合约已获得知名安全排名公司的批准,确保持有者安心。

此外,ScapesMania 背后的获奖团队还获得了区块链行业知名人士的资助。

此外,ScapesMania 以其社区为中心而闻名。

ScapesManias 的突出之处在于推动客户参与并确保每个人都通过出色的代币经济和丰厚的奖励受益。

Make sure you don't pass up the opportunity to get the early bird discount as the presale nears its end. Be quick if you want to get your hands on those lucrative tokens before they're all gone.

Presale Closing Soon – Seize Opportunities Now!

Pyth Network (PYTH): A New Oracle on the Block

Pyth Network (PYTH), a price aggregator oracle, launched in November 2023 and quickly gained attention in the crypto space. With a market cap of around $608 million, Pyth Network (PYTH) has shown significant growth. The network focuses on providing accurate financial data to DeFi developers and the public, distinguishing itself by sourcing data directly from traders and exchanges.

Pyth Network (PYTH) is trading between $0.242 and $0.465, with a 10-Day Moving Average of $0.359. Support is found at $0.159, with resistance levels at $0.605 and $0.828.

Predictions for Pyth Network (PYTH) future price are optimistic yet cautious. In the short term, potential lows and highs range from $0.32 to $0.45, influenced by market uncertainty and technical indicators. In the medium term (1-2 years), Pyth Network (PYTH) could see a potential low of $0.60 and a high of $1.50, driven by increased adoption and network integrations. Long-term predictions (5+ years) suggest a potential low of $2.00 and a high of $5.00, considering the market cap potential and technological advancements. However, competition from other oracle networks and unforeseen market events could impact Pyth Network (PYTH) trajectory.

Sei (SEI): Rising Star in the Crypto Arena

Sei (SEI) has been making headlines with its impressive growth. Launched in August 2023, Sei (SEI) has shown strong fundamentals in transactional throughput and finality. The coin experienced a significant price surge in December 2023, with its price rising from around $0.15 in November 2023 to a peak of $0.86 in January 2024.

Currently, Sei (SEI) is trading between $0.572 and $0.799, with support levels at $0.268 and $0.495 and resistance levels at $0.950 and $1.177. The 10-day Moving Average is at $0.662, and the 100-Day Moving Average is at $0.713.

Sei (SEI) growth is attributed to its robust fundamentals and initiatives like going carbon neutral. The coin's upward trajectory and strong market performance suggest a promising future. However, as a relatively new project, Sei (SEI) faces challenges in maintaining its momentum and standing out in a competitive market.

Ondo (ONDO): A New Contender in DeFi

Ondo Finance, a significant player in tokenized real-world assets, recently unlocked 14.3% of its native ONDO tokens, leading to a surge in the ONDO market capitalization. Ondo offers a balance of products for both crypto users and large institutions, making it a unique project in the DeFi space.

Ondo (ONDO) price range is currently between $0.2156 and $0.3088, with support levels at $0.08355 and $0.1077 and a resistance level at $0.3103.

The unlocking of Ondo (ONDO) tokens and the project's growth initiatives present significant potential for price appreciation. However, the token's future price will depend on the adoption of its services and the overall growth of the blockchain and DeFi ecosystem. Competition and market volatility remain challenges for Ondo (ONDO).

Mantle (MNT): Climbing to New Heights

Mantle (MNT) has been on a consistent upward trend since October 2023, reaching new all-time highs. The project has gained attention for its increasing number of daily transactions and its position in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Mantle (MNT) price is oscillating between $0.649 and $0.722, with support levels at $0.547 and $0.620 and resistance levels at $0.766 and $0.838. The 10-Day Moving Average is $0.677, and the 100-Day Moving Average is $0.692.

Analysts are bullish on Mantle (MNT) future trend, citing its transaction volume and role in the Ethereum ecosystem. Technical analysis suggests a potential increase to $1.14, a 44% rise from the current price. However, a fall below the wave two low of $0.58 could invalidate this bullish prediction, leading to a potential 40% drop to the next support at $0.45.

Aptos (APT): Strategic Data Partnerships Unveiled to Strengthen the Aptos Ecosystem

Aptos is elevating its ecosystem by forming strategic partnerships with top blockchain data providers, including Dune and Nansen. These alliances focus on enhancing data transparency, offering detailed analytics, and facilitating better app discovery within the Aptos network. This initiative underscores Aptos's commitment to creating a network that is both developer-friendly and user-oriented, utilizing data to boost the platform's overall functionality and security. These steps mark significant progress in Aptos's journey towards a more integrated and transparent blockchain environment.

Aptos (APT) is oscillating in a range of $7.21 to $11.27, with support levels at $0.97 and $5.03 and resistance levels at $13.15 and $17.21. The 10-day Moving Average is $9.26, and the 100-day Moving Average is $7.75.

However, the weakening of Aptos (APT) bullish trend and the possibility of crossing below the neutral line on its RSI indicate challenges in sustaining gains.


2024 年的加密货币市场正在经历重大转变,比特币的主导地位逐渐减弱,山寨币的地位日益凸显。

Pyth Network (PYTH)、Sei (SEI)、Ondo (ONDO)、Mantle (MNT)、Aptos (APT) 正在成为可能带来财务自由的顶级加密货币。


Pyth Network (PYTH) 专注于提供准确的财务数据,Sei (SEI) 令人印象深刻的交易吞吐量,Ondo (ONDO) 参与代币化的现实世界资产,Mantle (MNT) 在以太坊生态系统中的作用日益增强,以及 Aptos (APT) 重要的合作伙伴关系,所有这些都有助于他们的增长潜力。



它不反映 Crypto Daily 的观点,也不打算用作法律、税务、投资或财务建议。

热点:加密货币 加密 财务 选择

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