
2024 年 2 月最值得关注的 5 种加密货币


2024年2月最值得关注的5种<a title='注册送加密货币' href='https://okk.meibanla.com/btc/ok.php' target='_blank' class='f_d'>加密货币</a>




随着 2024 年 2 月的临近,加密货币世界仍然一如既往地充满活力和有趣。



比特币的上涨受到多种因素的推动,包括采用率的增加、机构投资和积极的监管发展,尤其是多个比特币 ETF 的批准。


购买新的比特币现货 ETF?

5 个要避免的错误

此次 ETF 的批准标志着加密行业的一个里程碑,反映了主流金融界对数字货币日益增长的接受和理解。



无论您是经验丰富的加密货币老手还是该领域的新手,本指南都旨在提供有关预计在 2024 年 2 月脱颖而出的山寨币的宝贵见解。



是按市值计算的第二大加密货币,是一个可编程区块链平台,为智能合约和去中心化应用程序 (dApp) 提供支持。

以太坊的实时价格为每 2,255.96 美元(ETH/美元),当前市值为 2711.2 亿美元。




AltLayer 价格预测:ALT 是一项好的投资吗?


ETF 截止日期临近:未来几个月内可能推出的以太坊 ETF 可能会因机构准入的增加而引发巨大的购买压力。

降低第 2 层费用:即将推出的 EIP 4844 升级有望大幅降低以太坊第 2 层网络的 Gas 费用,从而有可能吸引更广泛的采用并推高 ETH 的价值。



分析师给出了不同的预测,一些分析师预计到年底将反弹至 2,500 美元,而另一些分析师则由于市场不确定性而保持谨慎态度。

然而,以太坊强大的生态系统、持续的发展以及 ETF 和费用降低等潜在催化剂表明 2024 年仍有持续增长潜力。

瑞波币 (XRP)

XRP is the native digital asset of the RippleNet network, designed for fast and efficient cross-border payments. Its low transaction fees and scalability make it popular among financial institutions.

XRP is currently trading at $ 0.528724 with a market cap of $28.75B. The 24-hour trading volume is $920.62M XRP and the coin is up +3.33% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 54.37B.

Reasons for Potential:

Regulatory Clarity:The recent SEC ruling not classifying XRP as a security offers the green light for potential ETF approval,boosting investor confidence and potentially unlocking greater liquidity.

Valkyrie's Endorsement:Valkyrie Investments' CIO considers XRP a "good investment," highlighting its strong underlying technology and potential for wider adoption.

Price Prediction:

XRP's price will likely depend on developments surrounding the ETF approval and overall market sentiment. If approved, the ETF could trigger a significant price surge. However, market volatility and potential regulatory hurdles remain risk factors. While some predictions range from $0.80 to $1.50 by year-end, cautiously optimistic estimations suggest XRP could reclaim its pre-lawsuit levels in the long term.

Bonk (BONK)

BONK is a meme coin with a playful Shiba Inu mascot, riding the wave of Dogecoin's (DOGE) popularity on the Solana (SOL) blockchain. Launched as an airdrop on Christmas Day 2022, it quickly captured the attention of the crypto community through its lighthearted approach and association with the fast-growing Solana ecosystem.

BONK trades at $ 0.000011 with a market cap of $ 723.21M. The coin experienced a meteoric rise of over 100% in the third week of December 2023 after its listing on Coinbase. However, it has faced some retracement since then, consolidating around its current price level. Bonk is +2.35% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 63,333.51B.

Reasons for Potential:

Coinbase Listing:The listing on Coinbase provided increased accessibility and legitimacy for BONK,attracting new investors and boosting its trading volume.

Strong Solana Ecosystem:BONK leverages the speed and scalability of the Solana blockchain,a rapidly growing platform with rising adoption in DeFi and NFTs.

Meme Coin Buzz:The meme coin trend continues to captivate the crypto community,and BONK's playful branding and community engagement resonate with this audience.

Price Prediction:

BONK's future price movement will depend on several factors, including overall market sentiment, Solana's performance, and potential exchange listings. If bullish momentum continues and BONK breaks through the $0.00001119 resistance level, it could potentially test its next resistance point at $0.00001276. However, the highly volatile nature of meme coins requires cautious consideration before making investment decisions.

Uniswap (UNI)

Uniswap is the kingpin of decentralized exchanges (DEXes), pioneering automated market making (AMM) technology that empowers users to trade cryptocurrencies peer-to-peer without intermediaries. Launched in 2018, it has established itself as the leading DEX by trading volume and total value locked (TVL), serving as a cornerstone of the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.

UNI trades at $5.88 with a market cap of $75.31M. Despite recent market downturns, it has shown notable resilience, maintaining its top position among DEXes with a healthy daily trading volume exceeding $1 billion.Uniswap is +2.3% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 598.19M.

Reasons for Potential:

Dominant Market Leader:Uniswap boasts the largest liquidity pool in the DeFi space,attracting both individual and institutional investors seeking seamless crypto trading.

Constant Innovation:The Uniswap team pushes boundaries with ongoing development,gearing up for the launch of Uniswap V4,which promises improved capital efficiency and gas fee optimization.

Diversifying Ecosystem:Beyond the core exchange platform,Uniswap is expanding its offerings with initiatives like the recently launched NFT marketplace,further solidifying its position within the DeFi landscape.

Price Prediction:

UNI's price prospects are tied to the overall DeFi market sentiment and the success of its upcoming V4 upgrade. Analysts offer cautious optimism, with some predicting a return to its all-time high of $44.97 within the next few years, while others emphasize the inherent volatility of the crypto market.

Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR)

Hedera Hashgraph is a public, open-source blockchain platform focused on two key aspects: security and scalability. Unlike traditional blockchains that rely on Proof-of-Work (PoW) for consensus, Hedera utilizes a unique and patented protocol called Hashgraph, aiming for faster transaction speeds, lower energy consumption, and enhanced security. This makes it particularly attractive for enterprise applications and building large-scale decentralized applications (dApps).

HBAR trades at$0.073 with a market cap of $2.48B. It has recently shown signs of consolidation following a period of volatility, holding steady around this price level. UNI’s 24-hour trading volume is$ 35.13M, the token is up +3.32% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 33.66B.

Reasons for Potential:

Focus on Security and Scalability:Hedera's unique consensus mechanism and focus on these two crucial aspects differentiate it from other blockchain platforms.This attracts companies and developers seeking reliable and efficient solutions for building their projects.

$48 Million Ecosystem Grant:In July 2023,Hedera announced a $48 million ecosystem grant program to incentivize and support the development of innovative dApps on the platform.This initiative has the potential to attract new users and drive growth within the Hedera ecosystem.

强大的合作伙伴关系:Hedera 与波音、谷歌云和 IBM 等知名组织建立了合作伙伴关系,进一步增强了其可信度和在现实世界中采用的潜力。


预测任何加密货币的未来价格都是具有挑战性的,HBAR 也不例外。

然而,分析师提出了不同的观点,一些分析师认为到年底可能会上涨至 0.20 美元,而另一些分析师则由于市场不确定性而保持谨慎态度。

总体而言,Hedera 独特的技术、对关键行业需求的关注以及战略合作伙伴关系为未来的增长提供了有希望的可能性。


总而言之,要在动态的加密货币世界中保持领先地位,需要保持警惕和知识,尤其是在我们步入 2024 年 2 月之际。这里重点介绍的五种加密货币前景广阔,值得关注。





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