
Emotional Investing: What You Need to Know This Week


Current Hotness: These are what you need to know about investing this week to avoid being driven by emotions.1. The Cancun test network has been launched, which means that the upgrade has officially started. (However, everyone must understand that the upgrade is not just a talk, but a cyclical one. In my opinion, it has been a good period for Cancun since last month. , I don’t know how many times we ate it in the eth band during this period.)2. Musk, our master of memes is at work again. Came to bring the goods.Old players all know that Musk came to the currency circle to make money when his rocket exploded. Last year, I mentioned many times that he would not miss this bull market. So I have been paying attention to it. On the 12th of this month, I just said that he would take action and immediately brought the goods. You can learn about the doge and shib he brought last time. They have all increased hundreds of times,And I think this troll is just a small test.However, compared to making money with Musk, in fact, more players in the currency circle have been cut numb by dogs!3. Fan coins. In fact, last week we had already ambushed fans with them, but we didn’t send them to the square because there are still a few months until the European Cup. However, when the news comes out, there will be a small increase. Chz, santos, are no longer suitable for now. Chasing high, reason: it’s still early.Finally, I am still optimistic about the inscription after the New Year: ordi. sats Of course, my detailed practice is not shared with fans for free.I like spot goods and want to raise funds together to stock up on spot stocks in the bull market.Click on the avatar, follow me, face the fans, my bull market strategy layout, share for free, become a free blogger, just to increase fans.


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