


The inscription track has become cold very quickly recently, and many inscriptions have lost their liquidity and become rotten in their hands. It is really important to run in time. Although the market has cooled down, there is still a lot that can be done. Crav, qna3, and slime on Lumao’s are all sign-in tasks. There is also sol's NFT market . You can also brush up your points, mainly by buying NFT through bid to get points. Tensor has received 3 million in financing before.Most people used scripts to complete the previous sign-in tasks. You can ask others if they have any scripts. If you want to earn points in this later bid, you should choose projects with high liquidity and frequently change hands to earn points. If you have Pyth, you can also participate in the staking activity. https://staking.pyth.network/https://twitter.com/tinyblazers/status/1748662191656468746. This project doesn’t have any special features on Twitter. It’s just freemint. If you can, feel free to call it. The time is early morning on the 26th.


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