
Ethereum Upgrade Pressure


Kunkan upgrades, Ethereum has to upgrade! Ethereum is under a lot of pressure now. Its former goal was to surpass Bitcoin, but now its goal is to keep users from losing. Solana was already ahead of the curve at the TPS level, and modular blockchain projects like Celestia are hot on its heels. Shit, $TIA is about to go to heaven, and the layer-by-layer exploitation it designed such as L1-》L2-》L3 is heavily taxed. There is no problem until there is a strong opponent. Once there is a strong opponent, it will panic. Let’s compare it to the effect of this upgrade. If V God can really knock down GAS, he can still be called a god. If he can’t, he will most likely be called Little V. Maybe in the near future, the Ethereum aristocratic chain will be exclusive to the financial elite, while very cheap chains like SOL will become exclusive to leeks! ETHEREUMUPGRADEPRESSURE


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