
The Consequences of Owning Debts


A person does not owe debts,That would be great, of course,If you owe a debt, you owe it to the bank.Don’t owe anyone anything!But many people do the opposite!⊙​You who owe the bank are the most blacklisted. You should eat and drink as you should;⊙​As for those who owe money to an individual, at least if you pay back the money, they will still remember you; at worst, you will be killed! How many families have been wiped out because of personal debts.Nearly half a century has passed, and I still remember that someone owed my grandfather money that has not been paid back. It has been three generations. Of course, I will not ask his descendants for money. Do you think I will be unconscious when I see his descendants? What do you think of this?So we come to a conclusion:Don’t owe money to individuals!Don’t owe money to anyone!Don’t owe money to anyone!If you owe money, go to the bank.Just like the rich!THECONSEQUENCESOFOWNINGDEBTS

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