
Dream of Wings: Finding Contentment in Humility


?Dream of Wings ️Once, a hunter loved to go into the woods and fields in search of prey. One day, he climbed a high mountain, tirelessly tracking an animal, and, tired, sat down on a big rock to rest. Seeing a flock of birds flying from one height to another, he began to think, "Why didn't God give wings to humans so they could fly?"At that moment, a humble hermit passing by heard the hunter's thoughts and said to him:"You're thinking that God didn't give you wings, but even if you were given wings, you still wouldn't be content. You would say, 'My wings are weak, and I can't fly high enough to see what's up there.' If you were given strong wings to reach the heavens, you would still be dissatisfied and say, 'I don't understand what's happening here.' And if you were given intelligence, you would once again be discontent and say, 'Why am I not an angel?' And if you became an angel, you would still be unhappy and say, 'Why didn't God give me dominion over the sky?' And even then, you wouldn't be satisfied and, like someone else, audaciously seek something more. Therefore, always humble yourself and be content with what is given to you, and then you will live with God."The hunter realized that the hermit spoke the truth and thanked God for sending him a monk who enlightened him and showed him the path of humility. #Psychology@MotivationDREAMOFWINGSFINDINGCONTENTMENTINHUMILITY


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