
nt Growth


Green Bitcoin (GBTC) Is Seeing Phenomenal InvestmentGREENBITCOINGBTCISSEEINGPHENOMENALINVESTMEThe token presale has advanced through various stages, and the current token price is set at $0.3989. Upon listing, the token will be priced at $0.60. The ongoing presale has successfully generated over $504,000 in funding.A substantial portion, accounting for 40% of the total GBTC token supply, is designated for the presale, while 27.5% is allocated for staking rewards. Marketing holds 17.5%, liquidity is allocated 10%, and the remaining 5% is earmarked for community rewards.Following the presale, the team outlines pivotal milestones, including the introduction of staking and prediction features. Post-listing on decentralized exchanges (DEXs), the team will prioritize community building and fostering ecosystem growth.Anticipation is running high regarding the token’s trajectory post-presale, with significant growth potential on the horizon. The token’s alluring features, such as eco-friendly practices and staking rewards, enhance its overall appeal.Prospective investors are encouraged to engage early in the token sale to maximize benefits, recognizing that early participation is instrumental in optimizing growth potential. Positioned uniquely in the crypto landscape, the token has the potential to emerge as a major phenomenon, leaving a noteworthy impact. Therefore, closely monitoring the presale’s progress is imperative given its promising outlook.More details are expected to be revealed in the upcoming weeks, and investors are advised to stay informed by following Green Bitcoin’s social media channels.

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