
Solana 的价格预计将下跌 10%,现在是逢低买入的时候了……


在经历了过去几周的惊人飙升之后,SOL(配备智能合约的第 1 层 Solana 区块链系统的原生代币)的价格持续下降。

SOL 的最新交易价格约为每枚 112 美元,较本周早些时候建立的高于 125 美元的高点下跌了 10% 以上。

尽管如此,自本月初以来,价格已上涨了 60% 以上,较 10 月份 20 多美元的低点上涨了 430% 以上。

Solana 价格显着上涨之际,整个加密货币市场正在经历显着上涨。


此外,SOL 一直受益于代币需求的显着增长,这与过去几个月网络活动的显着扩展同时发生。

Solana 区块链正在大规模扩张。

由于基于 Solana 的 meme 币交易的爆炸式增长,网络交易、网络费用、日交易量和日交易量都在上升(Bonk!自 10 月份以来增长了 8,800%,目前排名第三)模因币)。

伴随着这种爆炸式增长,大量涌入 Solana DeFi 协议的新用户正在寻求空投。

根据 The Block 提供的信息,连接 Solana 网络的新地址的 7 天移动平均值在最近的时间点几乎达到了约 430,000 个的历史新高。

与此同时,月活跃地址数量达到 2022 年 10 月以来的最高点,当时超过 1800 万。

同样,非投票交易的 7 天移动平均数达到 2022 年 9 月以来的最高点,当时发生次数超过 3300 万次。

据 DeFi Llama 称,活动激增导致 Solana 网络每日收取的费用在周一达到超过 600,000 美元的历史新高。

此外,一些报告声称,基于 Solana 的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 的交易量短暂超过了基于以太坊的交易量,而以太坊仍然是 DeFi 和 web3 领域最主要的区块链。

Despite the fact that the first reasons that have drawn droves of new users to the Solana network (meme coin trading and airdrop hunting) are of a speculative character, the rapid transaction throughput and cheap costs of the network are likely to entice new users to remain on the platform.

There is a clear indication that the adoption of Solana is swiftly moving in the correct way once more.

Does Now Is the Right Time to Buy the Dip in the Price of Solana (SOL)?


As a result of the extraordinary increase that has been observed over the past several weeks, traders will naturally be questioning, "Is now a good time to buy the dip?"

It is possible that some bulls with a longer-term perspective would prefer to wait for a more significant decline, maybe to the prominent long-term support-turned-resistance (and now turned support?) level located around $75.

If there is a reaction that is characterized as "selling the fact" to the anticipated approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs by the SEC in the United States, then a more widespread market decline may easily cause SOL to go back below $100.

Furthermore, there is no assurance that SOL will retrace as far as $75, and in the short term, the cryptocurrency might very well challenge its April 2022 highs in the $140s. However, there is no certainty that this will happen.

The fundamentals on the Solana blockchain appear to be in a good position, which means that the medium-term trajectory will continue to be upward.

Price forecasts are expected to continue positive for the year 2024, with many analysts predicting that the price will perform a retest of all-time highs in the $260 region.

热点:下跌 买入 价格 预计

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