



Public chain is already a common topic.


For a long time, the public chain has its own technical route, application scenarios, and ecosystem. However, due to legal regulations and regulatory requirements, as well as the positioning of public chain products, the promotion of public chain technology in China lacks effective methods and channels.


Recently, the ABF public chain relies on the powerful blockchain technology of BForing Labs. It is a global open-source platform for decentralized applications. It combines trusted execution, secure multi-party computing environment, diverse and comprehensive real data. Cooperative projects enrich the application scenarios.


ABF will transform the underlying framework technology of the global mainstream public chain, under the premise of ensuring legal compliance and controllable supervision, to create a public chain with various technical characteristics and interconnections for developers and enterprises, and finally form a new ecosystem. At the same time, it also provides clearer compliance standards and regulatory mechanisms for the legal and compliance application of all excellent blockchain technologies in my country, so that blockchain technology can play a greater potential in empowering my country's economic and social high-quality development. At the same time, it also allows domestic developers to master all the underlying technologies of the blockchain under the premise of safety and control, ensuring that my country always maintains an absolute leading position in the global blockchain industry.


Focusing on the underlying core technology of the ABF public chain, through the application of ABF to ?product tracking and tracing, ?financial services and payment, ?identity security and authentication, ?contract and dispute resolution, ?customer participation and reward programs, etc. Empower blockchain application scenarios and reshape the commercial value of blockchain. Create a safe, efficient, autonomous, and stable new value exchange system. Realize a one-stop ecological application circle of blockchain technology research and development, industrial strategic layout, and commercial landing applications.


At present, Ethereum has almost monopolized the ecological market. But the public chain industry undergoes earth-shaking changes every three years. The core supervision is constantly increasing, and some public chains will be unable to resist the pressure and disappear. In the next two years, BForing will keep pace with Ethereum. Let us wait and see!

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