


Gong Zhonghao focuses on the cryptocurrency market. Life is like a puzzle, the longer we know someone, the more complete the picture becomes. But we can never see the whole picture because everyone is a mystery. There is no need to fully understand, as we can never fully grasp it.

On December 19th, there will be a battle between the bulls and bears in the Bitcoin market. Technically, it is predicted that the bulls will launch an attack around 22,900-22,700, with their target range being around 23,400-23,800. Therefore, our defense position should be around 22,300 (or you can start with a small position, but be cautious as the range has been widened by the bulls. When entering the market, make sure to gradually increase your position, and also remember to plan your position well, as the defense level is relatively higher compared to before).

Now let's look at Ethereum. Technically, it is predicted that the bulls will launch an attack around 645-635, with their target range being around 665-690. Therefore, our defense position should be around 625 (or you can start with a small position, but be cautious as the range has been widened by the bulls. When entering the market, make sure to gradually increase your position, and also remember to plan your position well, as the defense level is relatively higher compared to before).

热点:比特币 比特币突 比特币突破 特币

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