


Wayne Ma, a reporter for TheInformation, recently released a detailed report about the technical and leadership challenges that Apple has faced in the development of its long-rumored AR/VR head-mounted device. The product is expected to be announced by the end of 2023.

According to the report, Apple's head-mounted device development team, led by former Dolby executive Mike Rockwell, often had to fight hard to gain assistance from other departments within the company. As of mid-2017, the team was even working outside of Apple's headquarters in Sunnyvale, California, several miles away. This was reportedly done to maintain secrecy from other departments within Apple.

The report also mentioned that the team had considered using replaceable batteries for the head-mounted device, allowing users to wear it for up to 8 hours a day. However, this idea was eventually abandoned due to the complexities involved. As of 2021, the head-mounted device's battery life can last for "several hours, comparable to similar products."

Last year, TheInformation shared a rendered image of the Apple head-mounted device, which was based on a "late-stage prototype" that they had seen.

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