
Bitcoin: 从老师到亿万富翁


In today's society, it is really not easy to make money. Most people can only choose to work. If you want to get rich overnight, it is basically impossible, unless you win a lottery ticket, or It was a house demolition. I wonder if you still remember the young man who foolishly bought 100,000 Bitcoins when one Bitcoin was sold for 70,000. What is the current situation?

This young man is Li Xiaolai. Speaking of his name, I believe many people have the impression that Li Xiaolai was an ordinary teacher in the school at that time, but he would use his spare time to write books and make money while teaching. An accidental opportunity Li Xiaolai learned that Bitcoin was worth more than the U.S. dollar. Although no one made money from it at the time, Li Xiaolai had already begun to study it quietly. Until 2015, Li Xiaolai announced that he owned 100,000 Bitcoins.

Li Xiaolai has been known to have great ambitions since he was a child, and he made his first pot of gold through a project in his college year. However, due to some family reasons, he had no choice but to work as a substitute teacher at New Oriental School.

Li Xiaolai became aware of Bitcoin through a friend's introduction, and through his keen intuition, he decisively invested 100,000 Bitcoin. Later, as Li Xiaolai thought, Bitcoin was rising rapidly. Now it has actually reached a point where one Bitcoin is worth more than 10,000 US dollars, and 10 Bitcoins are countless billions of dollars.

After Li Xiaolai made a successful investment, he founded a large-scale investment company and established multiple investment foundations. Li Xiaolai, who was very business-minded, also created an investment teaching class. Everyone is very enthusiastic about the richest man in Bitcoin and likes his way of speaking and ideas. He does not pretend to be pretentious, but discusses with people in a very friendly way. He doesn't have the pretensions of a net worth of nearly billions of dollars at all. And Li Xiaolai's correct and unique company management and career development have achieved considerable achievements and benefits for him.

Li Xiaolai also successfully achieved his own financial freedom through Bitcoin. According to the market at that time, Li Xiaolai was worth more than one billion U.S. dollars. Li Xiaolai struck while the iron was hot, founded his own company, and began to make money by giving lectures online. This further consolidated his wealth and transformed him from a teacher into a boss.


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