
CHZ Investment Strategy: European Cup and Sports Competition Opportunities


Sports and Competition Section: NFT / Binance Investment / Coinbase Pro Comprehensive / Sports and Competition / Metaverse

The sports competition sector and the European Cup will start on June 15th. We can make arrangements in advance. The current CHZ price is 0.152 US dollars, and we can wait for the correction to 0.121-0.136 US dollars to make arrangements.

Any wealth takes time to accumulate. CHZ looks at a profit target of 50+

Circulation market capitalization $1.11 billion

Circulation (CHZ) 7,104,696,058

79.93% circulation rate

24H turnover ($)143,320,069.92

12.91% turnover rate

CHZ- Introduction details

As the only token used by Socios.com, Chiliz provides sports and e-sports fans with the right to jointly manage teams, events, leagues and other activities. We believe that by 2020, the landscape of the sports and esports industry will not only be written by the most high-profile events, teams and leagues, but will also be dominated by groups that can effectively activate and monetize fans, that is, the "radical fan engagement" model.

Chiliz allows fans in the sports and e-sports fields to gain the right to "joint control" through voting, and then participate in team management and strategic decision-making. Any league, team and event can realize this model by applying blockchain. Fans can become opinion leaders for any competition by using the Chiliz payment platform Socios.com. In turn, various projects such as teams and leagues in the sports and e-sports fields can also achieve fan economicization by giving fans certain decision-making rights.

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