
Merlin Chain L2 Fair Launch and Airdrop Announcement


Jeff, the founder of chain, said that Merlin will launch the largest fair launch of L2, and the token airdrop ratio will far exceed 5%. Compared with other L2s, Merlin’s unique feature is that it aims to aggregate more BTC protocols like 420 , pipe those. The entire agreement attaches great importance to the aggregation of . In addition, the BRC420 project has become somewhat popular recently, so you can pay more attention to this area. At present, the Merlin test network has been launched, and everyone can go and interact with it. However, it is no longer possible to receive water. We will see if the official will release some water in two days. For specific interactions, please see this link: https://medium.com/@merlinchainbtc/merlin-chain-%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95%E7%BD%91%E4%BD%BF%E7% 94%A8%E6%8C%87%E5%8D%97-f37e5c8ad26a and Blast have jointly opened a special test version with a total of 1 million DBR as a reward. Those who have built a test network before can participate in this. Specific details: https://medium.com/doubler-pro/doubler-blast-sepolia-special-test-version-online-f3e2501b8325 MERLINCHAINL2FAIRLAUNCHANDAIRDROPANNOUNCEMENT


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