
Ten truths about the currency circle


I hope it can bring some effective help to the veterans.

1. You think that the native dog has a chance to increase 100 times. In fact, the return rate of the native dog is 99.99%.

2. When you hear that something is very profitable, it’s basically time to take over.

3. When you think the market is finished and everything is going to zero, a bull market is often about to come.

4. When you become more and more certain that a currency is going to skyrocket, it is often the time for the dealer to take action.

5. You think it’s easy to make money in the currency circle, but in fact it’s easier to lose money.

6. You think KOLs are very profitable, but some KOLs may not have as much income as you.

7. You think the success rate of playing contracts is 50%, but in fact, not even 10% of them make money.

8. You think the dealer is your enemy and you have to defeat him. In fact, the dealer is our thigh. Only by hugging him tightly can we drink the soup.

9. You think the currency circle should be a value investment. In fact, all coins have no value. What generates value is human greed.

10. You think that getting rich in the currency industry depends on hard work, but in fact it depends entirely on luck.


1. The return-to-zero risk of the native dog: You think that the native dog has a chance to increase 100 times. In fact, the zero-return rate of the native dog is 99.99%. Tugo, that is, those altcoins with small market capitalization and unclear project white papers. Many people believe that investing in earth dogs can achieve financial freedom, but the reality is that the risk of earth dogs returning to zero is extremely high, and 99.99% of earth dogs will eventually return to zero. Investing in a native dog is tantamount to gambling, and it is very likely that you will lose everything.

2. Time to make money: When you hear that something is very profitable, it’s basically time to take over. This sentence is full of irony, but it is true. When most people are aware of an opportunity, the market is close to saturation, and those who enter the market at this time can only become takers. Therefore, it is wise to explore potential projects in advance and lay them out.

3. Market fluctuations: When you think the market is finished and everything is going to zero, a bull market is often about to come. The currency market is always full of drama, and its volatility far exceeds that of traditional financial markets. In this situation, we need to remain rational and patient and avoid being swayed by extreme emotions. The transition of the market cycle is often unexpected. After the bear market, it is likely to be the dawn of the bull market!

4. Skyrocketing Trap: When you become more and more certain that a currency is going to skyrocket, it is often the time for the dealer to take action. The currency circle is full of all kinds of false news and speculation traps. When we have full confidence in a currency, it may be a trap set by the dealer, waiting for us to take the bait. Only by keeping a clear head and thinking independently at all times can we remain undefeated in this market full of temptations.

5. Making money is not easy: You think it is easy to make money in the currency circle, but in fact it is easier to lose money. The currency market is full of uncertainties, and you may suffer serious losses if you are not careful. Many times, investors' success or failure is not due to bad luck, but because of their lack of awe and understanding of the market. Therefore, when investing in the currency circle, you must act cautiously and maintain risk awareness at all times.

6. Superficial KOL, that is, key opinion leader, has a high influence in the market. However, many KOLs do not hesitate to use means to make huge profits for their own benefit. Although these people appear to be prosperous on the surface, in fact, if they follow the rules, their income may even be lower than that of ordinary investors.

7. Contract success rate: You think the success rate of playing contracts is 50%, but in fact, the success rate of making money is not even 10%. Contract trading is a high-risk, high-yield investment method, and most people have failed in it. What makes the contract so attractive is that it comes with huge leverage, but it also means the risk is multiplied. Many investors dream of getting rich overnight through contract trading, but very few people make money in the end.

8. The role of the banker: You think the banker is your enemy and you have to defeat him. In fact, the banker is our thigh. Only by hugging him tightly can we drink the soup. Bookmakers play an important role in the currency market. Many people regard bankers as the enemy, but the fact is that we ordinary investors can only get a share of the market by closely following the pace of the bankers. Of course, this requires us to have keen insight and strong psychological quality.

9. The illusion of value investment: You think the currency circle should be value investment. In fact, all coins have no value. What generates value is human greed. In the currency circle, value investing is often mentioned. However, we need to realize that in the currency circle, a market full of speculation and bubbles, there are very few truly valuable projects. The value of the currency circle is often created by people's greed. Therefore, in this market, we should remain rational and avoid blindly following the trend.

10. The luck component of getting rich suddenly: You think getting rich in the currency circle depends on hard work, but in fact it depends entirely on luck. It is undeniable that in the currency circle, a market full of possibilities, some people have indeed achieved success through hard work. However, more often than not, sudden wealth is actually due to luck. We should not be overly superstitious about our efforts, but should remain humble and recognize the volatility of the market. In short, the top ten facts of the circle reveal a market full of risks and opportunities. Here, we need to remain rational and think independently to avoid becoming harvested leeks. At the same time, we must also recognize the volatility of the market and maintain awe of risks in order to survive in the charming world of the currency circle for a long time.


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