
Bitcoin's Future: A Conversation with Shenyu


Brother Qicai Shenyu, what did you do the other day? Couldn't you have said it earlier? You're also joining this game of bullish when it goes up and bearish when it goes down, you'll be easily slapped in the face

Shenyu: "BTC will reach $1.5 million in 2030" is still a conservative forecast, and large financial institutions will be the core players after one or two cycles

On April 9, at the 2024 Hong Kong Web3 Carnival, in the "Roundtable Discussion: Fifteen Years of Bitcoin", Shenyu, co-founder and CEO of Cobo, said that entrepreneurs with Chinese backgrounds have emerged in the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem in recent years. They have innovation advantages and resource advantages. When Bitcoin applications explode on a large scale in one or two cycles, a large number of application innovations may still come from entrepreneurs with Chinese backgrounds.

Shenyu said that from the perspective of miners, he hopes that Bitcoin can have more applications and scenarios, and will strongly support the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem. He hopes that Bitcoin can be compatible with more innovations without affecting the security of the existing main network. It is unlikely that Bitcoin will undergo another hard fork, but there may be one or two versions of soft fork iterations, which are innovations to existing conditions while retaining the existing architecture.

In terms of Bitcoin price prediction, Shenyu said that the prediction that "Bitcoin price will reach 1.5 million US dollars in 2030" is still conservative. Bitcoin will usher in an explosion of large-scale applications in one or two cycles, and there will be several times the room for growth. The core players involved are large financial institutions.

热点:Bitcoin A

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