
Chongge's Internal Group Coin Recommendations


Coins recommended by Chongge’s internal qun in the past week: #LUNA #FTT

Entry near FTT internal group 1.8

Admission near OG internal group 4.9

LUNA entry near minimum 0.8

ANKR internal group entry near 0.043

QUICK internal group entry near 0.085

Admission near ETC internal group 28

BURGER internal group entry near 0.84

There are also ONT, ONG, AXL, ACA, etc. I won’t give examples one by one. What Chong wants to express is: My own internal group does not recommend many coins. It is not like those bloggers who blindly recommend J8. There are dozens of them, some make money every day, but he won’t talk about the ones that lose money!

As a blogger KOL, you must not brag when it rises, and ignore it when it loses. The only coin recommended this month is ACE, which is currently losing 20%! According to Brother Chong, if you cover your position near 10, you may have a floating loss of about 8%!

No one in the currency circle is a god. Profit and loss are the norm. We cannot always win. As long as our overall rate of return is positive and our account is growing every day, there is nothing wrong with it!

热点: COIN

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