
Kevin Hart's Boring Ape NFT Loss


"Well-known talk show actor Kevin Hart sold Boring Ape NFT and lost 75% "

According to OpenSea transaction records, Kevin Hart, a well-known American talk show and Hollywood comedian who has appeared in the "Wild Game" series of movies, sold his name in January 2022 for 13.782 ETH (approximately US$50,000) in the past two days. Purchased number#9258Boring Ape NFT. Kevin Hart originally purchased it for 79.5 ETH (approximately $200,000) and now sells it for about $50,000, which means he lost 75% of the money on this transaction.

(The above news information is taken from Sangbi District Knowledge)

In the atmosphere of the bull market, the myth of getting rich overnight is always widely spread, attracting a large number of newbies to enter the market with such a dream, thinking that they can multiply their wealth several times as long as they bet on the right target, but we must not forget Unfortunately, it is common to see assets cut in half and then cut in half again, or losses so severe that they quit the currency circle, but the noise is overshadowed by stories of sudden wealth. Sharing the story of Kevin Hart today is to let everyone remember the cases of investment failure when the market is booming, and keep in mind the risks behind every transaction. The important thing about investing is not to make money quickly but to live long. After all, even if you make money 99 times when you buy coins, you can lose all your money with just one mistake.

During the NFT craze in 2022, many domestic and foreign celebrities have purchased and held various NFTs. We don’t know what proportion of people behind them are simply following the trend and entering the market without doing any research. The meme coin craze a while ago also triggered public FOMO emotions, but often only the stories of successful people will be remembered forever. The more times like this, the more we need to remain rational and DYOR, be an evergreen tree in the currency circle, and encourage each other. .


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