
A Friend's Journey with Bitcoin and Ethereum


A friend started investing in Bitcoin in 2016, when BTC was about 5,000 yuan. He also did short-term operations at the beginning. Like most newcomers, he often gets up at two or three in the morning to check the market. Later he discovered that the gain outweighed the loss. He felt that his quality of life had dropped sharply, and his entire mood had been kidnapped by this irregular market.

This short-term operation lasted for two months and then gave up decisively. After some time, at the end of 2016, he accidentally started to pay attention to Ethereum, so he invested 100,000 Ethereum. At that time, his personal wealth and assets were about three to five million, so he didn't pay much attention to the one hundred thousand he invested when he came in, and was just busy with his work. As soon as he got busy, he forgot about it. A few months passed, and in the first half of 2017, he suddenly remembered this incident. He was in China at the time. I bought it on "Bitcoin China", one of the three major trading platforms. Two other trading platforms, Huobi and OK, have yet to launch Ethereum. At that time, Binance Exchange founder Changpeng Zhao was still serving as the technical director of OK Exchange.

When he logged into the exchange, one hundred thousand turned into more than 1.5 million. He thought the platform data was wrong, but after a while he discovered that he had experienced a bull market.

Later, a bigger bull market came in the second half of 2017. This friend learned to allocate and invest his profits of more than 1 million, and the highest profit reached nearly 10 million. Within a year, 100,000 turned into 10 million.

Of course, the real world isn't always smooth sailing. Later, when we entered the big bear market in 2018, this friend also suffered losses. But at the same time, there are always a few people who can beat the market with a high probability and understand the laws of the investment cycle. So, this is why we must continue to learn and improve our knowledge.

As an ordinary retail investor, this friend's performance has outperformed most people in the market. The secret is a good attitude. He has a good attitude because he doesn't care. He doesn't care because it's money that won't affect his life even if he loses it. .

热点:Bitcoin A

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