
Billionaire's Glorious Downfall


There used to be bosses with hundreds of millions in their accounts. I have four bosses around me. Now their assets are more than one billion, and they can't even get out one hundred thousand in cash. They have one thing in common. They all invested in the county by attracting investment, and the capital chain is It was broken (or the bank couldn't repay the money) and it was really glorious. One of them bought more than 60 cars, 5 drivers, and more than one million in cash in each car. He just gave them away and went there. Macau lost miserably, and one person was deceived.

For ordinary people, 100 million is so much that it is impossible to imagine. If you put it in the bank or put it on flowers, you can't spend it all. Most ordinary people will not earn 2 million in their lifetime, and the interest on 100 million per year is just More than two million.

The reason why we think 100 million is not too much is because you see too many billionaires on the Internet. These people are not much different from you. They all have one nose and two eyes, so subconsciously you feel that such people are everywhere. Yes, you see that every house in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou costs millions, so you will think that one or two million is nothing. How many first-tier cities are there in China? How many people living in first-tier cities own their own houses?

However, 100 million is not too much. It may disappear overnight. Just like the example I gave above, when they have such wealth, they absolutely cannot believe that they can not even make 100,000 yuan now. There is not much wealth in life. If you miss it, it will be difficult to make a comeback. There are 1.4 billion people in China, and the wealth list has always been in the top ten or the top one hundred, and there is no one in the top 100 million. Therefore, the life of a billionaire is very important to everyone. For most people, there is only room for fantasy and no real experience. #EOS #pepe #BTC #sei #ETH


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