
It's more important than ever to stick to a plan.


I want to explain in more detail why now more than ever you need to stick to the plan. (I describe the plan throughout the year in previous articles)

At this stage of the market (this is a change of cycles), blood is being shed the most, deposits that have been collected for 1-1.5 years due to mistakes are melting due to meaningless movements, the emotional background is now as jittery as possible, and at the same time you want to fix it, take back your investment and go all out.

Now you can’t take any actions; the actions were 1.5 years old, there was an opportunity to purchase, there was an opportunity to fix on x2-x3, there was an opportunity to collect stables and mistakes were forgiven, mistakes that will be made now will have serious consequences and correcting the situation will be much more difficult.

For everyone who is now in the market as correct as possible by 50-65% and has 35-50% of stables, I would like to clarify separately that you cannot use free stables and if they are not there you need to partially unload so that there is at least 35%, this is necessary for a case of a sharp short-term spill or drawdown in order to be able to manage your deposit and improve the situation.

In case there is no spill or fall, you will not be left without a profit. DON’T WORRY, even if there is no spill and there will be recoilless growth, we will still use free stables when buying out new projects or entering projects at an early stage, which is no less profitable than buying off days and sell at high prices.

BUT if you are completely in the market and there will be a spill or a fall before the start of recoilless growth, you will be in a vulnerable position without the opportunity to somehow improve the situation in your portfolio, you will immediately begin to be forced to rash actions by emotions and the news background that is at that moment will.

50-65% in the market

35-50% in stable

If you are not in the market or in the market for a small percentage, YOU DO NOT NEED TO FLY TO BUY UP THE GROWTH, you will not be late, there will be opportunities, and options on where to apply the stables too.

I know that I am repeating myself and I know that some members of our friendly community still need this text

The next week will be difficult - don’t make thoughtless purchases and sales and always ask yourself the question “why do I want to do this? If the answer is “yes, some *** said that you need to fly in” or “yes, there are economic geniuses saying to drain” - this is a deliberately wrong action that is based on something unclear and provoked by the charisma of the authors and not by cold calculation.


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