
Ethena Labs' Shard Campaign Heats Up with Epoch 2


With Ethena Labs’ Shard Campaign gaining its momentum, users of Epoch 2 are now offered new ways to interact and gain the rewards. Epoch 2 provides liquidity pools, increased and new, even to Maker and Aave Foundation.

Epoch 2 of the Shard Campaign live at 8am ETRaised caps on LP for our friends a @MakerDAO and @aave $100m new limits on USDe locks...and @pendle_fi Details in following tweet

— Ethena Labs (@ethena_labs) February 26, 2024

Individuals with tokens, can derive a daily reward which is equal to 20 shards per each token. This reward is an adequate motivation for users to participate in these pools. Also, the upper-limit of USDe that can be locked to receive rewards has been doubled to $200 million, thus enabling users that have the Ethena digital currency to get the benefit of holding onto their Ethena assets.

In extending the utility, Ethena Lab joined with Pendle Finance, thereby providing a more positive experience to the user. Details about the implementation are coming shortly and USDe holders will be able to deposit USDe into Pendle Finance and get rewards in the form of additional shards. This partnership highlighted the vision of the company, this is the expansion of the DeFi ecosystem, and the provision of advanced platforms with multi-dimensional prospects to users of DeFi.

New rewards allure, welcoming new partners and as well as being innovative, Ethena Labs demonstrate that they want platform expansion and user motivation at all costs. New phase Epoch 2 is the turning point of Shard Campaign for Ethena Labs that makes the company one of the most competitive companies of DeFi in the industry.

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