
Binance's New CEO Richard Teng Visits Vitalik Buterin


The new CEO of #Binance, Richard Teng, posted a photo with Vitalik Buterin, who visited the exchange office. The more I look at Vitalik’s photo, the more I am convinced that the film “Men in Black” was based on real events GBTC still overtook IBIT yesterday in terms of trading volume, and in total 120,000 BTC or $5 billion have already been withdrawn from Grayscale’s ETF. But investors are happy that BlackRock and Fidelity between them are not far behind Grayscale and believe that after the sale everyone will in GBTC, new money will continue to enter the crypto market through ETFs BTC is locally in an uptrend at 4H and is one step away from going sideways at $40k - $45k at 1D. The bears have already started to worry, although their idea of ​​a $35k drop could still become a reality. The market just never does what most expect Top 3 in 24 hours:#Pendle- $2.75 (↑22.50%)#Sei- $0.7384 (↑11.49%)#Mina- $1.20 (↑10.61%)BINANCESNEWCEORICHARDTENGVISITSVITALIKBUTERIN

热点: CEO

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