
Complaining About a Copycat's Poor Liquidity


Yesterday, I complained about the poor liquidity of a certain copycat. Many people, including in the circle of friends, have been asking which one it is? Most of them want to buy some, but they can't talk about it, whether I buy enough or not. As for the reason, it’s wrong to say itAs long as I say it, someone will definitely buy it. I originally complained about its poor depth. If someone buys it again, a small amount of money can increase the percentage by more than ten or twenty percent. From yesterday to today, I only bought $30,000. You can imagine how deep the depth is. I didn’t say it before I bought it so that I could absorb chips, and I didn’t say it after I bought it to protect everyone. In fact, there are many bloggers who place orders after buying the items themselves, asking fans to follow suit. The price of this thing increases every time it is bought. It is still the same saying that "the depth is poor". If I were a normal person or a person who would do whatever it takes to make money, Maybe I will do this; but I am a cultivator of immortality. "Tai Shang Induction Chapter" says: The rewards of good and evil follow each other like a shadow. It would be okay if I didn't know that this matter would hurt everyone. If I knew that asking you to buy it would be a huge risk, and still ask you to buy it, it would be knowingly committing a crime. Even if it is to make money, it would be ill-gotten gains, which is evil. So I must never do this kind of thingBecause the coin I saw yesterday was not a good coin, but seeing that its turnover rate had been relatively high recently, it showed that the dealer was paying attention, so I just went to drink some soup. As for the future, it may return to zero or take off. Also gamblingFinally, I don’t want to say too much about investment, because based on our financial level, different investment methods will often lead to mistakes. If you insist on chatting with me, I would rather we talk about cultivating immortals and saving people.


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